Exclusive regulatory seminar NEW MEDICAL DEVICES LEGISLATION

9th & 10th March 2017
Radon Plaza Hotel Sarajevo, BIH (Serbian-Croatian-Bosnian-Montenegrian language)

Exclusive regulatory seminar
Be prepared for profound changes, new obligations and new responsibilities!

660 pages of new legislation comes with profound changes that will affect all medical devices and all manufacturers, legal representatives, importers, distributors and as well notified bodies and national competent authotities. New legislation will be far more strict and precise and will affect far more products, therefore profound implementation preparations are needed.

Two-day seminar will give you a transparent, systematic and understandable view into changes, new obligations and responsibilities and will help you adjust your business on time. New legislation will be published in the Official Journal of the EU very soon.

Click HERE for more information about seminar.

Click HERE to apply for seminar.